Top 5 Things I’ve Learned Being An Indie Publisher

Being an independent publisher, I’m learning A LOT! So here are the top five things I believe every Indie Publisher should know. 

First, you have to expect that there will be time delays. From printing to illustrations, you must be mindful to include a realistic time frame. I learned this lesson when assuming I’d have books in hand by July. Oh boy! Eventually, I realized that my timeline would not meet the SMART goal criteria. 

Second, don’t fall in love with your work. I mean that you have to be prepared to make tweaks and necessary changes as you go along. If you’re too in love with your work, you’ll skip over the crucial steps that make it better. I’m forever grateful to my Creative Overseer, who was honest enough to tell me the parts that genuinely needed fixing. Her sharpening is always needed!

Third, communicate, communicate, and communicate with your supporters. Thankfully, this step is easy to do with the help of outsourcing. Sure, it might cost you a little bit more, but effective communication helps build trust. It’s why I am delighted about our new Princess Lizzie’s Fan Club. Easy and effective communication. Have you joined yet?

Fourth, don’t get discouraged. There will be many things that will come your way during this entire process that might make you want to press the pause button indefinitely or walk away. Whether it’s the amount of required funding, being around non-supporters, or simply that amount of time needed to get everything accomplished. Print an image of your book cover (doodle on a sheet of paper if you must) and put it up in a place where you will see it every day. BELIEVE and PUSH THROUGH. I believe in you. 

Fifth, and finally, learn as much as you can along the way. Are you making mistakes? Fantastic! What can you learn from these stepping stones? Don’t understand how something works? Join groups with fellow Indie Publishers, writers, and illustrators. Research like the studious life-long learner you are and feel free to take notes. If you’re on Clubhouse, join my club. Search “Millionaire Journey.” If you need an invite, send me an email.

And a bonus one for you is to remain grateful. Right now, write down ten things you’ve accomplished. Have a college degree? Add it to the list. Survived some hard stuff? Add it to the list. Wrote a book? Seriously, add it to your list. Pause and reflect. Then, list five things deserving of your gratitude. Refer to your list of accomplishments and your gratitude list first thing in the morning, right before bed, or anytime you need a gentle reminder of how amazing you are. 

I hope that you’ve enjoyed my top five things that anyone should know. After re-reading this, it doesn’t matter what your industry is. I believe these are five takeaways everyone can use.

About taikimes

Tosombra "Tai" Kimes is a creative soul who despite her corky mishaps and dry humor, always seems to come across as polished and polite. She is a pursuer of dreams to reality and isn't shy on encouraging others to do their own good. And even with all the healing she still has left to do, smiling is her favorite. And oh! ELF is a favorite movie, too.